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Minimal Sedation Dentistry

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Many people today are afraid to go to the dentist. In our office we can give you a pill that will make you more relaxed so you can have the work you need done. You do not need to have a needle in your arm. All you do is swallow a pill.

The main requirement for this is that you have no lung or extensive heart problems, that you will have a ride home and are over 18 years of age. If you have other individual questions about medical or dental problems we can answer them for you.

Minimal sedation dentistry is good for patients who tend to gag a lot as it reduces this reflex. It is also good for patients who have a hard time getting numb completely. The pill we give you will reduce the pain sensations you will experience even if you have problems in the past with getting numb. Patients who hate needles will like it as well. You will feel less of a pinch when the dentist gives the Novocain or anesthetic. The dentist also uses a numbing gel to reduce this pinch as well.

You will need to have a ride to and from the office. You will still be able to talk to us during the procedure and will be aware of your surroundingsbut will be more relaxed. We will have a dental assistant with you in the room if you need anything, and you can also have a family member with you if you are nervous. The effect of the pill will last usually that day, but the next day you will be normal again. We advise patients not to do anything that will require their full attention for the next 24 hours.

If you have any questions, please contact the dentist, Dr. Broggi.

Dr. Broggi is a dentist in Boynton Beach offering, sedation dentistry, dental surgery, dental implants, veneers, costmetic dentistry.

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